Friday, July 24, 2015


The Onza is a cryptid reported in the mountainous regions of Mexico. It looks similar to a cougar besides it having a longer tail, longer ears, and longer legs. It's also thought to be much more aggressive than cougars. A creature fitting this creature was killed but the Onza was not definitively proven from the dead specimen.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


The Cherufe is a creature from Chilean mythology. It is described as looking like a 12 foot tall, lizard like humanoid living in the volcanoes of the area that cause volcanic eruptions. People would often throw people into the volcanoes as human sacrifices for the Cherufe to eat. Instead of scales the Cherufe had hard rock like skin with lava mixed in.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


The  Mothman is a large humanoid cryptid sighted in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It has large wings and huge red glowing eyes. It's often sighted on old bridges and other broken down places, it is believed to cause disasters in these areas. Looking into its eyes is said to have a strange effect on those who see them. He is believed to have supernatural powers such as teleportation. It is reported to make a loud humming noise when it flies.