Saturday, December 23, 2017


An aggressive creature found in the lochs of Ireland. Its name means "water dog," this suggests creatures like giant otters. These beasts are known to attack and kill people too close to the water. It has sometimes been compared to a crocodile.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Devil Monkey

This creature is sighted in the American Western states. It is about 5 feet in height, has three toed feet with claws, and small pointed ears. It has a body similarly shaped like a large kangaroo. Often times a horrible odor is reported before this creature is sighted. It is highly aggressive and is known to kill livestock, dogs, and it will attack humans.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


This lesser known beast of Maryland is very dangerous and very strange. A mix between something reptilian, and a large bird, with the added feature of tentacles from the mouth. It is aggressive and often depicted carrying off children and livestock. According to some studies the Snallygaster is equally as quick and agile on the ground as in the air. And of course the name is REALLY fun to say.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Kasai Rex

This large cryptid is a type of dinosaur known as a theropod, which is a family of dinosaurs along with the tyrannosaurus. The Kasai Rex is red in color, and is covered in black tiger-like stripes. There have been around 20 sightings from the Congolese jungles of Africa. There are 2 additional sightings that are highly disputed due to hoaxed photos along with them. According to multiple sightings the Kasai Rex likes to eat rhinos.

Saturday, September 2, 2017


This creature is a semi-aquatic creature is native to Australia. It is an aboriginal myth and said to be a malevolent demon. It eats and kills people with tusks, claws, and fangs. It lives in rivers, lakes, swamps, and billabongs. It is assumed to be about five feet in length, and many theorize it could be a form of seal, or sea lion.