Saturday, February 10, 2018


This powerful Cryptid hides in South Africa. It is a powerful swimmer, so it can often be sighted near water. In Zulu mythology, one of the first creatures the gods created was the Grootslang. The gods realized it would destroy everything if it was allowed to live, so they split them into the elephant and the snake. One or several survivors make up today's population. It lures elephants into a bottomless pit to devour them.

Saturday, February 3, 2018


This Cryptid seems pretty weird by most standards. It has been seen in Boone County, West Virginia. It has off white sheep wool, sharp horns like a goat, boar tusks, sharp teeth, an opossum tail, and deer hooves. In the 1890s it terrorized coal miners. It weighs around 700 lbs. It is about 7 ft tall. It is an omnivorous creature. It has a skunk like spray which burns the eyes and nose. It is very aggressive when cornered.