Monday, June 8, 2015

The Jersey Devil

The Jersey Devil is a creature whose legend dates back to the Revolutionary War. In one version, a woman fell in love with a British soldier, and because of her treasonous act, their baby was born a demon like creature. In another version, a poor woman who had 12 children finds out she is about to have another child. She curses her 13th baby, and the Jersey Devil was born. Some other parts of folklore say it could breathe fire, and dry up entire rivers and creeks. People who see the Jersey Devil describe him as a dangerous creature with bat wings, a long tail, horns from its head, horse hooves and a horse head and mane, and crane legs. Some people would report their dogs being attacked and/or killed. Another common phenomenon reported is "devils footprints" which appear to be horse footprints going in odd areas like on roofs, stopping abruptly and appearing to be made by a bipedal creature.

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