Saturday, November 9, 2013


This creature is one of the most common creatures around the world. Bigfoot goes by multiple names, and there are multiple different forms. In the Pacific Northwest there's Sasquatch, which is the same as Bigfoot, the Alma in Mongolia, the Yeren from China, the Hibagon from Japan, the Yowie of Australia, the Yeti in Tibet, the Mapinguari in Brazil and many more in other areas of the world. The typical form of Bigfoot is a seven to nine foot tall humanoid covered in thick fur, typically a reddish brown. It had a slightly pointed head, no visible neck, and primitive face, and very large feet. The Sasquatch has been sighted in California, Oregon, Washington, and parts of Canada. Sightings of Bigfoot are rare, and more often are simply the appearance of large footprints in the mud. When Bigfoot is sighted he is typically skittish, but has occasionally become territorial and throws rocks with unnatural accuracy. Many people attempt to show a Bigfoot is in an area by making loud Bigfoot calls, AKA screaming, or creating wood knocks, AKA hitting a tree with a stick.

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